
Taste Test

William loves to eat. From minutes after his birth onward he has been overjoyed at the prospect of a full stomach. I have yet to find a food that he won't eat and that makes introducing new and varied foods into his diet extremely easy. I usually make all of his baby food at home by blending or chopping up the same foods that the rest of the family is having for a meal, but occasionally I buy a jar or two of baby food if I know Dustin will be watching him for the day or we are on the go. 

I find the selection of baby food available in Japan highly amusing. Because of rampant food allergies in Canada, pediatricians do not usually recommend feeding fish to babies. I have found baby foods back home with vegetables, fruit, beef, pork, and chicken, but never fish. Here in Japan, a good 40% of the selections available have some sort of fish and or seaweed in them. Since I have no qualms about feeding my children fish and they absolutely love anything from the ocean, we have never had a problem there. Yesterday, as I was perusing the selection of baby food in our local grocery store, I came across this bizarre choice:

Yep, horse meat and vegetable baby food. I thought that this was too good to pass up and a great opportunity to introduce another food into William's diet (Sorry Diana!). He seemed to enjoy it, but I have never known him to pass up a bowl of food. My only complaint with baby food in Japan is the lack of grain options. As far as I have seen, there is only white rice cereal. I miss being able to buy whole grain baby cereals like barley, wheat, brown rice, and oatmeal. I will have to experiment with making some on my own if I can ever manage to find whole grains!

See food!


audible said...

Most grocery stores carry brown rice and barley in the rice isle. Brown rice is 玄米 (げんまい/) barley is 麦 (むぎ/ ). Costco/theflyingpig.com have oatmeal most of the time. For serious grains try an online health food store like http://alishan-organics.com

audible said...

Sorry, didn't finish the kanji readings. 玄米 = genmai 麦=mugi

Carol said...

William's first sentence: I'm so hungry, I could eat a pureed horse and vegetables! With a Kewpie on the jar.

grammy said...

maybe hungry William and his side kick brother might enjoy the new feature that comes from focus on the family check out " jellytelly.com"

Deepak Sharma said...

really so sweet.........