Since finding out where we are heading to in Japan I decided to go ahead and book plane tickets for the boys and myself. Dustin had heard that it is possible to get cheaper tickets through the travel agent who books all of the JET flights, so he popped them off an email while I did some independent investigations. The travel agent quoted us at 2,700$ to fly into Hiroshima. I am pretty proud that I managed to book them myself (through for only 1,500$.
Theo loving the airplanes |
It really helps that we are flexible in our arrival date. If we were going to Tokyo orientation with Dustin, it would have doubled the cost of our tickets (on top of what even the travel agent quoted us). Just one more reason to bide our time in the 'Tob. I didn't want to remain in Manitoba too terribly long though, so our flight leaves on August 22nd. It is a very indirect flight, I am sure that this is part of the reason that it is so much cheaper, and we will be flying from Winnipeg to Vancouver, Vancouver to Beijing, Beijing to Dalian, and then finally from Dalian to Hiroshima. The layovers aren't insanely long (not like some of the 20 hour + layovers that I have had to put up with in the past) so I am sure that we will get to Japan with two tired, but at least living, children. I have heard from a frequent flier of Air China, who will be our carrier, that the breakfast and lunch they serve is creepy at best, but the supper is o.k. It is just our luck that we will be flying through breakfast and lunch hours and not during supper. I suppose Karlee and I like a bit of culinary adventure, Theo eats anything, and William has me, his portable food of choice.
I was surprised to find that we actually had to pay for William's ticket even though he will be sitting on my lap. He is only adding about 18 lbs. to the weight of the plane, and won't be eating any of their snacks or interesting meals, so I am not really sure why we should be paying. On the other hand, I found out that Theo's ticket is only 75% of the price of an adult ticket even though he gets his own seat, so I guess it all evens out in the end.
Meanwhile, Dustin won't have to share a bed with the baby and I, put up with Theo's noise and breakdowns, and my badgering. How will he survive for 3 weeks without us?
FYI, that is not actually a picture of me at the bottom but some random internet grab.
Last year I waiting for about three weeks before flying to Japan to meet up with my new husband. It definitely made things much less complicated!
You don't like the doppelganger I picked for you Dustin? I thought he looked similar enough :)
The only complication that we ran into flying 3 weeks after was the daunting prospect of traveling with two kids without Dustin's help. If my sister in law hadn't come to the rescue and decided to come along I don't think the kids or I would have survived!
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